I pray and hope that I'll love my new job and adapt to it really fast because I hate the part where I am new to a place and have to "remake" new friends again and introducing myself.. ahh I hate that shit:(
Recently life's kinda good I guess? Been spending my time with my friends and sometimes my mum too when both of us are free.
Looking forwards to Tioman trip on June!! Hope it's gonna be an awesome trip with nothing bad happening.

Saveur with my Ling LeiLei on a random Saturday~

Last day last day sad girl is me:(

Super impromptu dinner because our siam kia is finally back...
Love-hate relationship with this two fuckers.
At times when I'm down or bored, they will be the one who entertain/cheer me up in our groupchat BUT at the same time I am always bullied by the both of them.
Whatever, I still love them as my friend and thank god that I get to know them fours years ago.

Camwhoring in the middle of nowhere after 12midnight and posing for silly pictures, that's just so us hahahhaa.
I guess that's why people say best friends are the ones who would do silly stuffs with you.

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