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Just an average girl.
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Sunday, August 25, 2013


Last weekend I dated my dearest birthday girl out EARLY morning for a movie (smurf 2) and brunch treat at Kith's Cafe since she always wanted to have American breakfast at such cafes.
And also since that day was meant to be for her advance birthday celebration, I decided to bring her there after our movie. Yes just the both of us hehe:)
Had our dinner at Shuffle Bar @ Clark Quay and met the rest there as most of them had to work on that day. Shuffle bar serves delicious food + live bands + good ambiance + prices are quite reasonable which I'm satisfied with the overalls.

Ordered an 8 inch rainbow cake without the birthday girl knowing about it, requested Chermaine to collect it on that day and sneak it into the bar before Yanting and I arrived.
The overall little/mini surprise was quite a successful one I would say. What matters most is that all of us enjoyed ourselves.

Feel free to ask: http://ask.fm/neelieoh
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